Comparing Twin Flame Relationships

We see many people asking questions about comparing twin flame relationships on several online forums.

We don’t understand why anyone wants to compare their twin flame union to that of other twin flame couples. Each twin flame couple is uniquely different from other couples.

And so are the two people who comprise the relationship. So, to us, it just makes no sense.


Many people who follow the Twin Flame Collective podcasts and YouTube channels believe twin flames exist as a special group. They think that all twin flame journeys follow the same path and go through the same processes and stages to achieve union. How can this be? Well, in reality, it can’t.

Every twin flame couple crosses paths for the first time according to the divine timing in their soul blueprint. So not every twin flame couple will meet at the same time, right? We realize this is a somewhat silly example. But if all twin flame relationships are the same, it stands to reason the divine timing could also be the same. Right? No!

Each soul blueprint is unique for all twin flame couples. Twin flames have soul agreements with each other for each earthly incarnation. These agreements detail the personal and spiritual growth each will provide the other while on the planet. These lessons are specific for each of the individuals in the twin flame couple.


A real twin flame couple will not care how they measure up to entertainments. Many movies, books and television shows tell a story about people in spiritual unions. They seem to use a cookie cutter approach to how they relay the story to viewers and readers. The many twists and turns the plot takes often takes the couple to a better place. But sometimes they end up back at the place they started.

Real twin flame relationships, in the physical world, also have plot twists. But these plot twists encourage personal and spiritual growth for the twins on the path to ascension. Twin flames want to clear their karma in this lifetime so they don’t have to reincarnate again.

Comparing Twin Flame Relationships
Comparing Twin Flame Relationships

As we mention at the beginning of this article, we see many people in online forums who think comparing twin flame relationships makes sense. There is no tried and true way to connect their relationships to others. Trying to do so through social media or other online communities is just a waste of time. And are people really truthful in their social media posts about their relationships? No one will find the true answers they’re looking for because all relationships are different.

So why do they do it?

It seems in reviewing and reading some of these sites that people are struggling with their twin flame relationships. If you’re a reader of this site you understand by now that we don’t subscribe to the popular belief that twin flames come with a lot of struggle and drama. A twin flame union, by definition, implies there’s a spiritual component to the relationship. This is the most important ingredient in their relationship.

You can’t find answers to spiritual problems by reading what other couples experience in their relationships. That is coming from a non-spiritual place and a place of fear and insecurity.

So perhaps the real struggle is that it’s not a true twin flame connection. On the other hand, perhaps people seeking these comparisons, are unfortunately with a false twin flame. In this case, we can certainly understand why they may be seeking answers from an online community. But comparing their relationship to another’s is not the answer. They need to be able to fully identify the false twin before they’re drained of life and energy with their chaotic, manipulative dramas.


Each twin flame relationship is different as are the people in the union. Some twin flames will meet early in life but not come into union until they’re older. Then others will not even cross paths until later in life. This is due to fact that they need to attain spiritual awareness to maintain the spiritual and emotional maturity of a twin flame union.

We must also remember that although they’re spiritual unions, each twin flame also has free will to make decisions for their individual lives. Sometimes these decisions may require stepping away from their twin flame for a while or perhaps altogether. It’s all part of their individual spiritual awakening process.


Not all couples need the same lessons. Each couple will have their own personal growth and spiritual expansion. Each couple, as well as each individual, will grow and evolve at different rates. Some will zoom through this growth while others may go at a snail’s pace. Is one better than the other? No! That’s an unnecessary comparison. All soul’s evolve at the rate that works for them in perfect harmony with the universe.

While twin flame ascension will occur as a result of the couple being in union, each soul must also do their own work. The relationship is important of course but the spiritual awakening of each individual is also important. All souls awaken at different rates and frequencies. A twin flame journey is also the spiritual journey into yourself to become the most authentic person you can be.


All twin flames, as part of their twin flame destiny, will complete a twin flame purpose. Since twin flames are spiritually aware does it really make sense they would compare their purpose to that of other twin flames? No. Of course there may be some couples who have similar purposes to fulfill but just as many will be unique to the couple. They can’t all save the whales as there are other things to accomplish while living on the planet.

True twin flame couples will not bother comparing their relationship to that of other twin flames in union. To those in a truly divine union they will see this as a more ego, or personality, based exercise. In reality a twin flame couple lives and resides in a place of spirit, where they abandon their egos and live from the soul. They gaze forward toward each other, not at others in the world.

7 thoughts on “Comparing Twin Flame Relationships”

  1. Each person has their own unique journey. Yet there is always that person I see on social media that feels that because THEIR relationship journey went in one direction, it is the ONLY way ALL relationships must travel. They do not seem to get that their way is their way, and not everyone will have the same experience they did.

    • Great response. Every one of us are different – so our twin flame journey will be different as well.


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