When Will I Meet My Twin Flame?

Many people want to know when they will meet their twin flame. Unfortunately, we are unable to give a timing based on linear time.

There is no linear timing in the spiritual realm.


So the real answer is, when your soul is ready for this divine encounter. The universe decides that using what we refer to divine timing. While this may not the answer you’re looking for, there are several reason why it’s done this way.

As we mention in other articles, the initial meeting between twin flames is pre-destined by the Universe. It will happen through a fated meeting or a crossing of paths. And you will meet your twin flame when you’re not looking for them.

Actually, if you’re searching for your twin, you will not find them. So spending a lot of time worrying and wondering when your twin flame may enter your life is not a great use of your energy. All it will do is keep you stuck in the cycle of longing and desiring this energy to connect with you.

This does not allow you to vibrate at your highest frequency which is a requirement for your twin flame reunion. Besides, a twin flame does not complete you, they compliment you.

twin flame meeting
When Will I Meet My Twin Flame?

Someone who is truly ready to meet their twin flame is an evolved soul who would not allow themselves to stay stuck in a negative cycle. They are someone who has done a lot of spiritual work on themselves. In doing so, they focus on healing and nurturing their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

You can achieve this through meditation, self-reflection and self-evaluation to discover your life’s purpose. This is the time to focus on yourself to become the best and highest version of yourself possible.


The true twin flame destiny is not a highly emotional, over the top, romantic relationship. The purpose of the twin flame connection is to bring your combined soul gift to the world. You’re coming into divine union with your twin flame, by the powers of the Divine, to manifest your joint mission on the earthly plane.

And this is for the evolution of the planet. So, as you both work toward identifying your life purpose, the Universe will create your meeting through divine intervention.

Many people ask us if they can manifest their twin flame through meditation or other spiritual exercises. Not really. You can, however, meditate for yourself, to see what the soul blueprint for your life is. This contract is similar to the soul blueprint of your twin flame.

So figuring out why you’re on the planet for this lifetime, will bring you a step closer to meeting your twin flame. During these meditations, you may have glimpses of your twin flame, perhaps physically or energetically, as well as what your combined life mission may be.

When twin flames meet it usually catches them off guard because they’re not out there looking for someone. They are happy and content with their lives. They focus on what they need to do to fulfill their destiny.

So if you want to meet your twin flame, focus on yourself and your own personal and spiritual growth.

Not all of us will meet a twin flame in this lifetime, although more twin flames are uniting now than ever before. If you and your twin flame are destined to meet it will happen according to the divine plan with a gentle nudge from the Universe when it’s time to begin your twin flame journey and purpose together.

Originally posted on 12/11/2016 @ 2:43 am

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