Top 10 Twin Flame Misconceptions and Myths

There are many twin flame misconceptions and myths floating in the ether. As a matter of fact you can find a lot of it doing Google searches.

For someone who does not truly understand the nature of the twin flame destiny it’s easy to see how they can fall for these misconceptions.

So we’ve taken the time to list what we believe to be the top 10 twin flame misconceptions and myths so folks have a greater understanding of a divine union.


1. Twin Flames are Better than Soulmates

A twin flame connection is better than a soulmate connection. Not really. This is probably the biggest misconception about twin flames. It’s a different connection but they have similarities.

Both twin flame and soulmate connections are karmic connections. They’re destined to teach us something about ourselves to enhance our lives. They are both intense soul level connections to another soul on the planet. We can have many soulmate connections in each life time.

But there’s only one twin flame connection. Furthermore, a twin flame connection is not, contrary to popular belief, a soulmate connection on steroids.

2. Everyone Will Find Their Twin Flame

Not everyone will find their twin flame in this lifetime. We’re seeing a lot more twin flame reunions on the planet now due to the shift into higher consciousness. But not everyone will find their twin flame.

For most of us, our twin flame doesn’t incarnate the same time we do. They stay on the other side, very often serving as a spiritual guide. We generally provide the same service for them. It’s important to remember that a twin flame connection is a spiritual union. If you’re both allowed to meet during this lifetime, it implies you’re both spiritually advanced and ready to take on the spiritual significance of a twin flame relationship.

3. I Can Manifest My Twin Flame

This is another of the bigger twin flame misconceptions. And a somewhat dangerous one. I can manifest my twin flame through meditation or healing ceremonies and rituals. Good luck with that.

A twin flame connection is highly spiritual. And the meeting of twin flames is orchestrated by the Universe. If the twin flame reunion is going to happen, it will do so through divine timing and intervention.

The only advice we can give to facilitate your twin flame entering your life is to focus on yourself. Work on your spiritual journey and soul evolution. One thing is for certain, your twin flame will not materialize if you’re depressed and feel you can’t function without one in your life.

4. Twin Flames are All About the Best Sex

Twin flame connections are the most passionate and have the best sex. You may have great sex with your current romantic partner. But we have news for you, it doesn’t make them your twin flame.

Who said a twin flame connection was all about sex anyway? Your journey with your twin flame is a sacred journey that involves giving your soul gift to the world. It’s more about your respective spiritual growth than it is about boinking each other’s brains out.

So if you’re more concerned with the sexual components of your relationship it’s probably a soul mate connection. All of this being said, twin flame sex is sacred sex of the divine union. And it will be the best you ever experience. However it’s a misconception to think it’s a sign you’re twin flames.

5. Twin Flames Always Find Each Other

Top 10 Twin Flame Misconceptions and Myths
Top 10 Twin Flame Misconceptions and Myths

It would be a great fairy tale ‘happily ever after’ ending if this were true. As we have mentioned there are more twin flames incarnating together than ever before. But not everyone, no matter how spiritually advanced, is truly ready for the twin flame reunion.

Again this is largely dictated by fate and the powers of the Universe allowing the twin flame reunion. You may think you’re ready for your twin flame to enter your life. But that right there is probably the reason it hasn’t happened. Twin flames meet when they aren’t even thinking about it or focused on finding each other.

6. You’re Not Complete Without Your Twin Flame

You know it was a very overly romanticized moment when Tom Cruise said to Renee Zellweger, “You complete me”. But this isn’t the nature of a twin flame connection. Many people feel incomplete without having a deeply connected romantic relationship.

If you ever expect your twin flame to enter your life you need to find a way to be complete on your own. In order for the divine union of twin flames to work each person has to be whole. The best way to do this is through spiritual and personal growth. Your twin flame isn’t designed to complete you, but to compliment your life. In other words, you don’t need them.

7. You Can’t Function Without Them

Once you meet your twin it’s impossible to function without them. Well too bad for you because guess what? Your challenge is to find a way to function without your twin flame.

As we discuss in Twin Flame Signs, it’s highly probable you won’t be around each other all the time anyway. A twin flame relationship comes with an internal ‘knowing’ that even though apart the connection is very much alive. A true twin flame connection doesn’t come with obsessing about them when they’re not physically present in your life.

So if you find yourself obsessing about your romantic partner, there’s a good indication it’s not a twin flame connection. In all probability, it’s a soul mate. You have to remember a twin flame connection is a deeply spiritual connection. So therefore there shouldn’t be a need to be around them all the time.

8. Twin Flame Runners

Twin flame runners run from the relationship. Some twin flames may not be quite ready for the intense connection of this type of relationship. But many twins are able to embrace it.

If you encounter a twin flame runner you need to understand they’re not running from you. They’re running from themselves. A twin flame partnership is reflective. It works like a mirror. And so we see parts of ourselves in our twin we must work on.

No one likes to look at themselves in the mirror. And the twin flame connection highlights any shortcomings you must address. Not everyone is ready to do that as it brings up feelings of rejection and unworthiness. As humans these are two of our biggest fears. The spiritual purpose is to facilitate healing of these parts of ourselves through the twin flame connection.

9. A Twin Flame is One Soul in Two Bodies

This actually comes down to personal spiritual belief. But we maintain that we’re all individual souls.

According to Greek mythology, specifically Plato’s “The Symposium”, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts. And then condemned them to spend their lives in search of their other half.

But this is a philosophical text written to teach about the nature of love and not actual reality. So what does this mean exactly?

We are all individual souls. But each of us have a certain polarity, either yin or yang. For example, if your soul imprint is yin energy, your twin flame would be yang energy. You are individual souls seeking the connection of the opposing energy. So in reality, this type of union does produce the best relationships.

10. Twin Flames Stay Together Forever

Well in one sense you will stay together for eternity, from a spiritual perspective. But there is no guarantee you’ll stay together in physical relationship for the remainder of your lives. Some will, some won’t.

It really depends what your soul blueprints look like and how those blueprints intersect with each other.

Your job, as part of this divine union, is to bring something of value to the world through creative collaboration. Perhaps when that undertaking is complete, you could each move on with your lives. But on the other hand, you could do more projects together that benefit others.



Originally posted on 01/27/2015 @ 9:16 pm

18 thoughts on “Top 10 Twin Flame Misconceptions and Myths”

    • You’re so welcome! We are happy to hear you like our social media accounts. Did you also know we have YouTube?? You can find our YT link in the right hand column at the top. I can’t link it here, it won’t let me .

      • Have you found that authentic twins and the frequency they share have an effect on the planet – especially now? Dolores Cannon referred to us as mirrors. There are many, I’ve found, who aren’t romantically involved, but share a soul nevertheless. I believe they are known as the energetic keepers of the grid. 🙂

  1. My twin flame passed away in Nov. 2018. I thought we were soulmates. But a medium told me we were definitely Twin Flames. I miss him so much and feel so torn with out him. Like my soul ripped in half. We were so good together. We stuck through hell and back. But he gotten very sick and eventually passed away. I am so distraught mentally and physically. I know he is with me in spirit. But wish he was here in life. How do I move on? So lost with out him in my physical life. Will we be reunited in the spiritual world?

  2. Is it possible to know who your twin flame is without actually meeting them yet? Or do you have to meet them personally to ‘know’ that they are your twin soul?

  3. Thank you for posting this. This is how I first saw twin flames defined in texts back in the early 80s, when I first read about twin flames and the recent “romantic twist” on the definition of twin flames, has had me greatly confused.


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