Twin souls, twin flames, soul mates and kindred spirits are all karmic soul connections.
We have relationship karma we carry forward from past lifetimes with these soul connections. It is unfinished business, usually in the form of life lessons.
We must achieve the lessons with these souls through the soul contracts we have with them.
Simply put, if we’re unable to complete it in a specific lifetime, we carry it forward into the next incarnation. The universe always gives us another chance to get it right.
Kindred spirits are two people who have a special connection by sharing an experience that draws them together on a higher level of consciousness. This connection can be from the same experience at the same time. Or it can be two separate experiences that are similar in nature.
Kindred spirits often emanate similar energy frequencies. They share intuition with each other and have many common interests and ideals. In simple terms, it seems as if they share a brain.
Kindred spirits come in the guise of best friends, lovers, family members, co-workers and relationship partners. Kindred spirits can often be confused with soulmates. But kindred spirit connections don’t come with the difficult life lessons of a soulmate experience.
Soulmates are the second level of soul connections. As we mention in several other articles on this site, as well as our soulmate site,, the soulmate journey is littered with land mines. These land mines will encourage you to grow and evolve past your current level of awareness.
They will push you to become the best possible version of yourself. Each member of a soulmate couple must be willing to do their own personal work. When they can’t work through their issues, or refuse to work through them by running, it creates dysfunction or a break up. Sometimes the land mines just explode as the souls are unable to complete their lessons. This forces the soulmates to carry karma forward into the next life.
Our universe grants every soul a twin-a reflection of themselves -the kindred spirit. And no matter where they are or how far away they are from each other- even if they are in different dimensions, they will always find one another. This is destiny; this is love. ~Julie Dillon
There is probably some confusion about the difference between and twin souls and twin flames. For all intents and purposes, however, a twin soul and a twin flame are one and the same. Twin souls, or twin flames, are the highest level of spiritual soul contract between two individual souls.
Many people believe twin souls are the other half of their soul. That being said, we don’t really believe the Universe allows us to go around being only half a soul. In a twin soul connection there are two individual souls with a yin and yang energy for each person. A twin soul is the mirror of our soul, reflected back to us through the divine twin flame soul connection.
There are many people who confuse the soul connection of twin souls, or twin flames, and soul mates. And this is completely understandable. Yet there is a definite difference between twin souls and soul mates.
Soul mate relationships are where you learn the life lessons you need to successfully achieve the twin soul connection. So in a divine twin flame union, you will apply every difficult experience gained through a soul mate connection. Twin souls have already gone through the transformation to reach the level of spiritual awareness required to sustain this karmic soul connection by graduating from their soulmate experiences.
Regardless of the type of connection, soulmate, twin soul, twin flames or kindred spirits, the souls will continue journeying together lifetime after lifetime. Reincarnation will occur to fulfill karmic contracts and obligations until the debt is paid in full by both parties.
Originally posted on 02/05/2018 @ 4:35 am
New to the twin flames subject.
I see people on other sites, in relationships, but going on and on about their tf.
My question is, if a person knows who their tf is, but both people have lessons yet to learn, is it fair to have soulmate or other relationships while developing yourself? Isn’t that unkind or possibly harmful to the person you are biding time with?
Please read the linked article above about the differences between soulmates and twinflames. Twin flames do not have lessons to learn. And the chances of you having a soulmate and twin flame at the same time in your life is pretty close to impossible. Twin flames are so rare, and so are soulmates.